The "NOW" Committee (Nuture, Outreach, and Witness Ministries)
The NOW Committee helps with ministries planning and implementation in the areas of Nurture (education, worship, Christian formation, membership care, email groups and stewardship. Outreach (ministries of compassion, justice and advocacy), and Witness (evangelism, communications, lay speaking and lay service.).
Members of NOW work together to plan and implement ministries that help the church fulfill its mission
The mission and ministries of the NOW Committee are supported by the general fund, Noisy Offerings, Special Offerings, Soup and Sandwich meals.
Drive-Up Pantries, Grace Space, Coffee Fellowship, School Partnerships, Web Page, Summerfest, disaster relief and Children's Ministries are just some of the missions that the NOW Committee. helps supports.
Meetings are normally held the 2nd Tuesday of every month except for August and December.
Carmen Ziegler (chairperson)